Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Falling For You

Now that it is OCTOBER 24th I figured I should get some Fall Decorations up in this house.  Before this year the total amount of seasonal fall decor I owned = ZERO.  I was always discouraged by the price tags I saw on wreaths and fall decor while browsing through seasonal decor sections in stores.  This year I spent some time browsing through pinterest and got inspired by all the wonderful ideas.  So I decided, "Enough Is Enough," I am at least going get a fall wreath up on my door!!

Surprisingly, the actual inspiration for my wreath didn't come from pinterest but from one I saw for $12.99 at our BRAND NEW local HomeGoods!  I wish I would have snapped a picture but alas, I didn't.  What I liked about it was a "stick based" wreath with berries, fall leaves, and pine cones.  I looked at it and liked the combination and the price tag wasn't too bad on it either.  However, I wasn't in love with it and I thought: "I think I could make one for cheaper or the same price that I like even more." and "Hey! I have a blog now, this would be a fun thing to blog about!"  So I left HomeGoods empty handed (which was a very difficult task) and decided I would get out in the next couple of days to get supplies to make my own.

I eventually made my way to Old Time Pottery and got the following supplies:

10" Grapevine Wreath-                                                              $3.99
Two 12" Picks with Wheat and Pumpkin-                            $1.11 (each)
Two 12" Picks with Laurel Leaves and Berries-                   $1.49 (each)
Set of 4 Ornamental Pinecones on a stick-                           $.50 (clearance for all four!!!)
                                                                                                              $9.69 TOTAL (Score!)

Here are pics of what I got pre-assembly

The first thing I did was cut the sticks off the pine cones.


I was originally planning on taking the picks apart and rearranging and removing some of the pieces.  But the more I looked at them and arranged them on the wreath I decided to go ahead and leave them as is.   To assemble I simply took the picks and pushed them through the gaps of the grapevine wreath like this:

I started with a berry Pick (please excuse my big pregnant belly that photo bombed this picture).

Then added the Pumpkin Pic with the darker pumpkin.

Then I added the other berry Pick and the other pumpkin Pick.

The more I looked at it and tried to fit in the pine cones the more I decided that I really liked it as is.  So I nixed the pine cone idea for this one.  Also, I was planning on hot gluing the picks for extra support but they were pretty securely set in the wreath that I decided to forgo that step.  The jury is still out if I will glue them before I put the wreath in storage for next season.

Here are a few pics of the final product:

I love how Josiah is peeking out at his pumpkins in this picture.  He does it all the time.  He loves those things!  He is going to be really sad when they have to go!

So what did I do with the left over pine cones?!  I used the, of course!  I had an empty vase I stacked them up in.  I the vase on my fire place mantle with some 3" decorative pumpkins I snagged from Old Time Pottery for $.99 each while picking up the wreath parts!  I plan on using the pine cones in a vase with some Christmas Ornaments for my Christmas decorations too.




So this completes my first year of Seasonal Fall Decor!  Even though it is only a few things, I am pleased with the touch of Fall they bring to my home.  It helps that my year round decorations are very "fallish" anyway so it doesn't seem like so little.  Now I am so excited to get started on home made Christmas decorations!  But for now you can hear me walking around my house saying to myself, "Must wait till after Thanksgiving to decorate, Must wait till Thanksgiving to decorate."

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